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(808) 783-3696

Empowering Families to Bring Their Loved Ones Home

Welcome to Our Services

Welcome to Basic Home Assessment

Embark on a journey filled with care, dedication, and expertise. From pre-discharge assessment to simple visitation and assessment for transition home

Discover the path to a smoother transition with our specialized approach that may include hands-on caregiver training

Experience a smooth transition with not only hands on caregiver training but additional follow up visits included

Education and Training Classes

Allow Kauhale Smooth Transitions to opportunity to improve your patient handling skills in a variety of settings

Custom Sole Support Orthotics

Sole Support Orthotics are custom-molded to your feet in the most ideal posture and are available with a wide array of modifications and options

Embrace a smooth transition

While many facilities provide training prior to discharge, it is the stress of the actual transition to the home that causes anxiety, confusion and at times, injury to either patient or caregiver. One of the goals of Kauhale Smooth Transitions, LLC is to reduce the ‘allostatic load’ on families. Allostatic load refers to the cumulative burden of chronic stress and life events on families and caregivers, By providing skilled assistance and guidance by experienced professionals, this burden of care and levels of stress with the transition home can be minimized.

our journey home

Unveil the story of our guiding principles, bringing comfort, ease, and trust into every patient's transition. Let's embark on this journey together, ensuring a seamless return home.

Get in Touch!

Unsure of where to start? Share your details and we'll reach out soon. Anticipating your message eagerly!